Xiaomi already had a lightweight sleek Windows laptop in its catalogue, but it was never launched in India. The company has now forayed in to the gaming laptop segment with the Mi Gaming laptop. It features a 15.6-inch IPS display with a resolution of 1920 x 1,080 pixel, and weighs 2.7kg. The Mi gaming laptop will be available in various configurations with up to seventh gen Intel Core i7 processor, up to 16GB DDR4 RAM, up to Nvidia GTX 1,060 GPU with ..You get 4-zone RGB lighting on the keyboard and customisable light accents on the sides to entice gamers. The main highlight is the aggressive pricing, which starts at $950.
Xiaomi already had a lightweight sleek Windows laptop in its catalogue, but it was never launched in India. The company has now forayed in to the gaming laptop segment with the Mi Gaming laptop. It features a 15.6-inch IPS display with a resolution of 1920 x 1,080 pixel, and weighs 2.7kg. The Mi gaming laptop will be available in various configurations with up to seventh gen Intel Core i7 processor, up to 16GB DDR4 RAM, up to Nvidia GTX 1,060 GPU with ..You get 4-zone RGB lighting on the keyboard and customisable light accents on the sides to entice gamers. The main highlight is the aggressive pricing, which starts at $950.
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